Aquamarine Tumbles
January 12, 2025
February 1, 2025Morganite Tumbles
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Bringing great healing to those that are ready to dissolve past pains and sorrows these Morganite tumbles carries a much higher frequency than the Rose Quartz and therefore are a powerful cleanser for the for the heart centre.
In truth, the Morganite is a stone that allows one to both confront and release blockages held within the heart chakra that is blocking one’s connection with the sacred self. One’s life path all of a sudden becomes clearer. One’s ability to allow release of past traumatic wounds, old relationship attachments, fears, resentments, and anger are brought to the forefront.
Bringing awareness, one has now become conscious to the aspects of self that have allowed these unresolved matters to fester. But bringing notice to these aspects, one is now able to identify past behaviours and move forward with a new approach. Allowing release of old patterns of thought, one enters into a more attuned state, with an overhaul of perception, the entry of love is now accepted.
Morganite brings abundance of love and compassion. Attuning to the angelic realms, this entrainment within the higher frequencies of energy assures one a secure connection with these higher entities. One is held and nurtured and much guidance is just a whisper away.
Such a powerful stone, its essence lights the way for one to be healed. This emotional abundance allows one to perceive a new world; by entering the core, it brings one closer to the needs of the soul. Its supports recognition of blocks created by both the ego and the self and yet has the ability to bring about a sense a power for those maintaining a victim mentality.
Bringing a sense of lightness, peace and joy, Morganite is none other than a tool for one seeking a transition to dwell within the vibrancy of divine love. Unlocking one’s potential to engage life wholeheartedly, one is now able to reclaim their sense of self.
Weight on average – 11 – 15 gm
Dimensions on average – 2.5 cm x 2 cm x 1.5 cm
Stones shown in images are the tumbles available for purchase.
Health – release old pains and sorrows – heals old wounds – lifts burdens and stresses – instils a sense of peace, joy and inner strength – growth of confidence and inner power – heals fear, resentment and anger – helps to heal attachments to old relationships that have not been resolved – may help to deepen one’s current relationships – brings feelings of peace and acceptance when one is facing grief or deep loss – great stone for stress related illnesses – heals heart and lung conditions such as asthma, emphysema and TB – it may restructure and re-energize cells – ameliorate vertigo – overcome impotence at both physical and emotional levels
Spiritual Health – spurs spiritual growth – lights up life path – great for those seeking serious inner work and emotional healing – supports one seeking soul-mate relationships – connection with angelic realms – attunes one to the energy of abundance – removes blockages from heart to allow reclaiming of self
References –
Hall, J, 2011, 101 Power Crystals, Fair Winds Press, USA
Melody, 2011, Love Is In The Earth The Crystal and Mineral Encyclopaedia The Liite Fantastic and The Last Testament, Earth Love Publishing House, Colorado USA.
Weight | 0.015 kg |
Dimensions | 2 × 1.5 × 2 cm |
Crystal Type | Morganite |