Pyrite Bracelet
March 21, 2021
Moldavite Ring
March 31, 2021Citrine Bracelet
Seeking a stone that brings abundance on all levels, then you may want to consider this Citrine Bracelet. It holds a powerful transformational vibrancy that allows one to enter into a space where the fundamentals of perception shifts.
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Seeking a stone that brings abundance on all levels, then you may want to consider this Citrine Bracelet. It holds a powerful transformational vibrancy that allows one to enter into a space where the fundamentals of perception shifts. One soon dwells within a reality that allows one to perceive the gift of spirit held within this vessel. Opening one’s eyes to the true wealth of our spiritual nature that we seem to have forgotten, since the ego is has been riding the show. Its this shift from ego to spirit that brings one truly into the moment, with full realization of the many gifts we behold.
Quite powerful in one’s awakening, our desire to draw abundance is met with a kaleidoscope of options. It’s a stone that delivers one onto the threshold of manifestation. With its alignment one becomes privy to a whole host of new possibilities offered by the cosmos. One soon gains trust that whatever one needs, one will receive. A sense of lack or poverty consciousness becomes obsoleted, replaced by a new way of thinking and it’s this change in perception that allows one to coalesce amongst the ethers to help materialize what they seek powered by both trust and by intention.
Holding a gorgeous energy, each little stone vibrates with such an intensity sending sparks of joy. Gifting one with boundless self-esteem and confidence, it offers the ability to recognize the true value of ourselves, which incidentally is not based on what we do or what we have. Letting go of doubt, fear, guilt and self-pity, Citrine coaches one that whatever you desire is within your reach, you just need to surrender and trust in the flow of life.
Weight – 6gm
Dimensions Approximately – 20.5cm x .7cm x .3cm
HEALTH – This Citrine bracelet may be beneficial for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – stimulates digestion supporting both the spleen and pancreas – neutralizes infections in both the bladder and kidneys – improves circulation – activates thymus gland – balances thyroid – protects nervous system – useful for constipation & cellulite – alleviates depression, fears, anger – instils a state of calm – energizers – brings one joy – reverses degenerative diseases – helps with menopause alleviates symptoms such as hot flushes, balances the hormones and alleviates fatigue – increases mental clarity & concentration – beneficial for depression, low self-esteem & confidence – detoxing & cleansing – balances emotions
PROTECTION – protects auric field.
SPIRITUAL – opens intuition – aligns subtle bodies with the physical – activates crown centre – cleanses auric field – helps to manifest your own reality – helps one to surrender to the now moment.
This design has been handcrafted using 925 Polished Sterling Silver. The quality and authenticity of all gemstones are guaranteed.
References –
Hall, J., 2003., The Crystal Bible, Goldsfield Press, China
Melody, 2011, Love Is In The Earth The Crystal and Mineral Encyclopedia The Liite Fantastic and The Last Testament, Earth Love Publishing House, Colorado USA.
Simmons, S. Ahsian, N 2007, The Book of Stones Who They Are & What They Teach, North Atlantic Books Berkley, California
Weight | 0.006 kg |
Dimensions | 20.5 × .3 × .7 cm |
Crystal Type | Citrine |