Ruby Ring
September 17, 2023
Snowflake Obsidian Beaded Bracelets
September 23, 2023Azurite Ring
Fell in love with this one on first sight this Russian Azurite Ring is definitely a statement ring for so many different reasons. Its colour palette is totally exquisite with its hues of a bluey green which seems to transform or shift as one drifts in and out of different dimensional shifts and figurations.
I viewed 2 at the time of purchase so I had to get both as they seemed to be yelling at me that I needed them for my collection and not ever coming across such gorgeous samples of Azurite before I was quite excited and was definitely going to grab these two little beauties.
Totally impressed with its variable colour hues, the addition of the black element provides a most needed vibration to help anchor one’s energies as one becomes attuned to a stone that is known to elicit and catalyst a whole host of crazy spiritual stuff, so grounding is paramount.
Mother Earth has totally outdone herself on this one, so unique her mixing pot of minerals has created truly a unique blend that will call to those that are most suited for its teachings and healing. You may think that it is you doing the choosing however it is not, it is the crystal that that calls to you.
Ok so a quick little snapshot of what this Russian Azurite Ring can do for you.
Holding such a strong resonance, catapulting one into the depths of source, this gorgeous Azurite can be nothing other than a tool that helps one to connect to the deeper levels of consciousness that resides in one’s vehicle of expression.
Embracing such a vibrant essence, its frequency carries the potency of aligning itself with the third eye, and with this, it brings one into states of visionary pleasure. The ability to both see and feel beyond the concepts of the mind, one is enabled to journey on this plane and others with an enhanced perception viewing many realities and potential realities with a new sense of joy. One sees beyond the illusions, and becomes apt at recognizing blocks, patterns and programmes that have kept one stagnant and in states of fear from stepping out from the mirage of old human concepts and ideals.
A new way of living, one begins to shift into a different gear, one that is more aligned with attuning to a higher frequency that offer opportunities for one to expand and ascend to elevated levels of spiritual attunement and awareness. One is encouraged to awaken toward acceptance of enlightenment, with this it brings knowingness that one dwells within a space of interconnectedness.
Not only does it offer this new alliance, but brings about numerous offerings for one to partake in. Enhanced intuition, connection with guides and higher guidance, stimulation of the psychic senses, journeys beyond the body, enhanced meditation, and promotion of enhanced channeling states.
Its target of third eye not only activates this centre but also stimulates the intellect. One gains clarity, expansion and agility of the mind. Improving mental processes one can both assimilate and retain new information, with an enhanced ability to undertake challenging mental tasks.
This Azurite ring holds such an animated bluey green, bringing with it a strong vibration that helps to strengthen the subtle bodies, addressing and mending any holes in the aura, it prevents attachments and psychic attacks. Known for its powerful healing abilities it brings about awareness for one to understand how both the mind and emotions can affect the body in different ways. Calming, it brings relief to those that suffer phobias, stress, fear, grief and sadness.
So, look no further, this Russian Azurite ring will bring through new insights, perceptions, opening one to the beauty that one seeks.
Ring Size – 8 adjustable
Not sure of your ring size? (Ring Size Chart)
Source – Russia
Weight – 14 grams
Dimensions Approximately – 3.3.cm x 3.3 cm x 2.4 cm
HEALTH – stimulates intellect – stimulates memory – supports clarity & focus – helpful to any issues related to the head & brain – soothes migraines – lessens tinnitus – balances vertigo – expands mind – calming it brings relief from worry, fear, sadness, grief, stress and phobias – treats throat problems – good for arthritis, joint problems & aligns the spine – works at a cellular level to restore blockage or damage to the brain – heals kidney, liver, gallbladder – treats thyroid, spleen, bones, teeth & skin – aids detoxification – encourages development of the embryo in the womb
PROTECTION – strengthens the aura preventing psychic attack and attachments.
SPIRITUAL – activates third eye – stimulates inner vision – enhances dreams & intuition – helps develop psychic from senses – strengthens subtle bodies making one less vulnerable to psychic attacks & attachments – aligns one to higher guidance – allows one to understand the true motives in others & self – helps to ascertain psychic information without the addition of one’s own experience & judgements – increased past life recall – deeper connection with the Divine – helps to clear patterns, programmes & old ways of experience and belief – enables journey beyond the body – urges soul toward enlightenment – raises consciousness – supports channeling – releases blocks in communication – mends holes in aura
This design has been handcrafted using 925 Polished Sterling Silver. The quality and authenticity of all gemstones are guaranteed.
References –
Hall, J 2003, The Crystal Bible, Goldsfield Press, China
Simmons, S. Ahsian, N 2007, The Book of Stones Who They Are & What They Teach, North Atlantic Books Berkley, California
Weight | 0.014 kg |
Dimensions | 3.3 × 2.5 × 3.3 cm |
Crystal Type | Azurite |