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September 23, 2023
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September 24, 2023Snowflake Obsidian Beaded Bracelets
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These matt Snowflake Obsidian Beaded bracelets are a great ally to support those on their inner journey towards healing and wholeness.
Its vibration allows one to align and attune to the universal energies. Helping one to perceive and dwell with an enhanced sensitivity to the subtleness of the flow and movement in which we live.
Opening one to sense on a much higher level enables one to recognize and take heed to the clues, promptings or signs that may be appear in daily life and with this pronounced awareness one can reap the rewards of paying close attention and using these moments to better navigate one’s journey. It’s like getting the heads up on what’s going on which allows one to make a more informed decision moving forward.
It brings balance to the body, mind and spirit helping one to recognize and release old, ingrained patterns of behaviour. Helping to release the old poor me attitude or feelings of victimization the Snowflake Obsidian is a great ally that helps one to find the strength and the willingness to shift one’s reality for the better.
As with the plain black Obsidian it still offers grounding of energies and elimination of negative energy from oneself and one’s environment.
Targeting both the root and third eye chakra centres these Snowflake Obsidian Beaded Bracelets brings courage, perseverance, insights and attunement to spiritual guidance. Can be used for past life recall or helping one to connect to those that have passed over as its vibrations tend to have a high affinity in its use toward spiritual communication.
HEALTH – Black Obsidian properties include improves energy and vitality – reduces stress and mental tension – brings clarity – calming – supports digestion on all levels – detoxes – reduces pain of arthritis, joint problems, cramps and injuries – dissolves blockages and tension in the physical and subtle bodies including hardened arteries – stanches bleeding – benefits circulation – warms the extremities’ – can be used to shrink an enlarged prostate – clearance of reproductive problems based in past abuse or current self – abuse – Snowflake Obsidian – treats veins & the skeleton & improves circulation – brings courage & perseverance – enhances one’s ability to be more receptive to healing energies – it can help energetically help limit the spread of cancer through the body –
PROTECTION –Â Black Obsidian properties include – helps to shield against psychic attack, ill wishing, negative spiritual influences and environmental pollution – repels any form of negativity – seals the auric field –
SPIRITUAL – Black Obsidian properties include – grounding – great scrying tool – gift of prophecy – releases one from old loves – gives insights to cause of disease – removes blockages from the meridian system – great for the highly sensitive – it supports one in maintaining healthier integrity of their energy fields – spiritual communication – integration of shadow selves – Snowflake Obsidian –Â increases psychic sensitivity – attunes to synchronicities that can point to one’s higher path – communicate with those passed over – brings insights – brings healing and wholeness – attunes to higher guidance – attunes and allows one to perceive guidance from the natural world – perfect stone to attune to both animal totems and animal allies –
References –
Hall, Judy, 2003, ‘ The Crystal Bible’, Goldsfield Press, London
Melody, 2011, Love Is In The Earth The Crystal and Mineral Encyclopedia The Liite Fantastic and The Last Testament, Earth Love Publishing House, Colorado USA
Simmons, S. Ahsian, N 2007, The Book of Stones Who They Are & What They Teach, North Atlantic Books Berkley, USA.
Weight | 0.010 kg |
Dimensions | 9.5 × 1 × .8 cm |
Crystal Type | Black Obsidian, Obsidian, Snowflake Obsidian |