Smoky Quartz Points
February 15, 2020
Tourmaline Sphere
April 7, 2020Selenite Sticks
These Selenite sticks are fast and effective cleansers of the auric field. Great for clearing congested energies or negativity from one’s physical and etheric bodies, it brings one into closer communion with their higher self.
These Selenite sticks are an essential component of anyone’s spiritual toolbox. Holding the highest, purest white light it delivers one into an intimate relationship with the higher-self. Targeting all the upper chakra centres including the Third Eye, Crown and Soul Star, stimulates a spiritual activation enabling a transition for one to enter a gateway that allows for more growth and evolution. This entry point provides one for a closer reunion or better said a merging with the very consciousness that dwells within one’s vessel.
Considered as carrying an exceptionally high frequency provides one with access to commune within the angelic realms and receive knowledge from higher sources of guidance. Its activation of the Third Eye allows any information and or messages to be received as visionary delights.
The Selenite sticks are great for healers that use crystals within their practice or for even those that are not. Helping to clear and cleanse the auric fields, eradicating blockages within the etheric bodies, they can also be placed on the spine to align all the chakra centres. In fact their resonance has quite a powerful effect on purifying on every level whether it be the mind, body or soul. This strong impact brings for better flow of energy, tweaking one’s frequency to elevate to exceptional levels, promoting a forward action in one’s undertaking of their journey within this and other planes of existence.
Providing an essence of peace and calm, bringing clarity of mind, dissipating confusion, it allows one to be privy to the bigger picture. Selenite opens one to a consciousness of operating from a different mode of perception, this dramatic change in frequency ensures one does not remain stagnant and now sees beyond the illusion.
Selenite sticks are great for constructing energy grids to support one’s spiritual ascension or even protection grids for the house or home to deflect outside negative influences to the creation of making a quite, safe space to dwell.
Source – Morocco
Weight Approximately – (rough estimate may differ slightly) 160gm to 260gm on average
Dimensions approximately (sticks may differ slightly) 20-25cm in length – 1-2cm in width
HEALTH – brings clarity of mind – instils deep peace & calm – guards against epileptic seizures – neutralizes mercury poisoning from dental amalgam & reverses the effects of the effects of free radicals – great crystal for breast feeding & nurturing a child – a large piece placed in the home ensures a peaceful atmosphere – aligns the spinal column – promotes flexibility
PROTECTION – may be used to provide a protection grid around the home to ensure negative influences do not enter
SPIRITUAL GROWTH – opens & activates the Third eye, Crown, Soul Star & Stellar gateway and beyond – cleanses & clears auric field of blockages & negativity – expands consciousness – communion with higher self & spirit guides – connects with angelic consciousness – grounds the light body – excellent for meditation or spiritual work – scrying tool – can be used in grids for protection or creating energetic vortexes – aligns all chakra centres if placed on spine
References –
Hall, J 2011, 101 Power Crystals, Fair Winds Press, USA
Hall, J 2003, The Crystal Bible, Goldsfield Press, China
Simmons, S. Ahsian, N 2007, The Book of Stones Who They Are & What They Teach, North Atlantic Books Berkley, California
Crystal Type | Selenite |