Stichtite Pendant
September 1, 2023
Dragons Blood Beaded Bracelets
September 1, 2023Tigers Eye Beaded Bracelets
$24.99 $19.95
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A great stone to ensure one remains grounded these matt Tigers Eye Beaded Bracelets imbues a vibration that allows one to remain calm and centered regardless of the situation. Used in times of old as a talisman they carry an assertive protective nature that will not only shield against negative energy but also block ill wishing and curses. They deflect anything that may draw off or absorb your abundance. A good option for those that have issues in remaining optimistic even when all is going well it allows one to attune and align to trusting in the future.
A perfect choice for those that are spaced out and scattered it brings clarity of mind and improves mental function. Upsurging one’s power of logic it unlocks one’s ability to interpret and understand paradoxical concepts that one intercepts as it elevates one’s consciousness to higher levels. That brings in a greater awareness as one aligns with its frequency.
Helping to energize the body and lending perseverance, it supports those needing to accomplish tasks that may be difficult, challenging and enduring by granting extra strength, more vitality and the ability to tap into sources of creativity to help eliminate associated fatigue and feelings of discouragement as one forges ahead directed by one’s will.
A stone of the golden ray, these Tigers Eye Beaded bracelets brings one to align their vibrations with Christ consciousness. Meditation with these crystals brings communion with this awareness, inspiring the soul to act upon the wisdom gained and to support its materialization onto the Earthy planes.
Anchoring change into the body, it supports accomplishment of one’s goals. Placed on the third eye it enhances psychic abilities. A great all-round ally, one that has been deemed to bring good fortune and protects your resources.
Bead Size – 6mm
Weight approximately – 12 grams
Dimensions Approximately – 9.5 cm x 1.5 cm x .7
HEALTH – These Tigers Eye Beaded Bracelets may help to bring clarity of mind – helpful for mental disease or personality disorders – integrates the right and left hemispheres of the brain – heals issues of self-worth, self-criticism and creativity – supportive for addictive personalities to make changes – treats the eyes and aids night vision- heals the throat and reproductive organs – dissolving constrictions – helpful in repairing bones – alleviates depression and lifts moods – a great choice for tests and exams and important meetings – increases energy and vitality – calming and centered – allows one to make choices based on one’s higher guidance – a great allay to bring harmony amongst families – blood fortifier – strengthens endocrine system – helps to balance hormones and biochemistry – assist digestion – lower blood pressure – May encourage fertility and resolve disease arising from past experiences – attracts good health and abundance – good for seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
PROTECTION – These Tigers Eye Beaded Bracelets helps to protect against negative energy, ill-wishing and curses – deflects absorption of one’s abundance.
SPIRITUAL HEALTH – grounding – enhances psychic abilities – stimulates kundalini rising – connects one to Christ Consciousness – expands consciousness.
References –
Hall, Judy, 2003, ‘ The Crystal Bible’, Goldsfield Press, London
Melody, 2011, Love Is In The Earth The Crystal and Mineral Encyclopedia The Liite Fantastic and The Last Testament, Earth Love Publishing House, Colorado USA
Simmons, S. Ahsian, N 2007, The Book of Stones Who They Are & What They Teach, North Atlantic Books Berkley, USA.
Weight | 0.012 kg |
Dimensions | 9.5 × 1.5 × 0.7 cm |
Crystal Type | Gold Tigers Eye, Tigers Eye |