Morganite Tumbles
January 12, 2025
Ammonite Fossil
February 18, 2025Stibnite
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Not an easy to find crystal this Stibnite specimen caught my eye and will attract those ready to work with its vibration.
It’s a great ally for those Shamans out there carrying the power of the underworld it allows one to align themselves with wolf’s energy. It creates an energetic shield that offers safe journeying, protecting the physical body during travel it then allows re-entry of the soul once completed.
Holding a great affinity with Pluto both the God and the planet brings emergence of transformation, rebirth and new perspectives. It grants one the ability to manifest a whole new life if one wishes to put the work in and maintain a strong focus and intention to ensure success otherwise one may in fact experience undesirable effects.
Whether one wishes to create a new career, or a new self-image this stone offers these gifts of creating great changes through your diligence and application to the task. It helps to magnetize the people, opportunities, synchronicities or experiences to help materialize what you want to manifest. If this is the intention of its use Robert Simmons suggests teaming it up with a piece of Moldavite not only to enhance the outcome as it is quite powerful but also to ensure the change serve’s one’s highest good and to provide safe action in the use of the powerful Stibnite. Remember both these stones are quite powerful in their action and their objective is to promote transformation., and Moldavite definitely speed tracks that.
Stibnite offers connection to ET”s and inter-dimensional beings. It allows one to attune to the newer frequencies and counteract, support and help one to adjust to the profound changes happening on the Earth now. Many may be feeling related symptoms of dizziness, headaches, heart palpitations, issues with concentration which may be due to the Earths varying magnetic field at this time.
Helping to channel high frequency energy and ground it into the body, it’s a great stone for mediation and exploration of the spiritual world and higher realms. It enhances personal power, brings prosperity and helps you to recognize your gifts. It helps to remove energetic debris from your emotional body and can be used in tie cutting rituals and past life releases. Particularly useful for those past clingy relationships and when one has difficulty in saying no to past partners it helps to eliminate those tentacles from their deep penetration with one’s subtle bodies.
Wand versions of this stone are adept of being used in the removal and release of entity possession or negative energy.
Please note: that this stone is toxic and requires one to wash their hands thoroughly after use. If one wishes to make a gem essence it must be done by the indirect method.
Source – China
Weight- 481 kg
Dimensions – 13 cm x 10 cm x 4 cm
HEALTH – its purifying energy can be used to help heal sites of infection in the body – to counter herpes, cold sores, boils and other lesions as well as infections in cuts or wounds – helps to heal cellular memory – good for the esophagus and stomach – dissolves rigidity – transformation – new prospectives – prosperity
SPIRITUAL HEALTH – channels high frequency energy into the body – attunes one to the newer frequencies coming online – provides shielding while journeying – connects to inter-dimensional beings and ET’s – increases personal power – manifestation – great for meditation – entity removal – past life release
References –
Hall, Judy, 2009″The Crystal Bible 2,’ Goldfields Press, China
Simmons, S. Ahsian, N 2007, The Book of Stones Who They Are & What They Teach, North Atlantic Books Berkley, California.
Weight | .482 kg |
Dimensions | 13 × 10 × 4 cm |