Larimar Polished Stones
February 27, 2022
Labradorite Heart
March 6, 2022Larimar Polished Slices
Infused with an energy so potent these Larimar Polished Slices are a must have for those seeking an ally that brings a nurturing quality, radiating love and peace, promoting tranquility these little beauties bring both clarity and serenity, supporting one to go with the flow.
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Infused with an energy so potent these Larimar Polished Slices are a must have for those seeking an ally that brings a nurturing quality, radiating love and peace, promoting tranquility these little beauties bring both clarity and serenity, supporting one to go with the flow.
They enable one to take control of their life. When met with fear, periods of stress or the inevitable changes that surrounds life it supports one in meeting those challenges with equanimity. They bring a certain calmness and equilibrium that helps to harmonize the emotional body, bringing emotional balance allows one to navigate their journey with a clearer perspective gained from the insertion of both emotional strength and stability.
Larimar teaches one to respect, love and nurture oneself so one can have the inner resources to give these gifts to others, making it a powerful beneficial stone for both healers and caretakers alike.
Larimar is considered to be one of the spiritual stones that opens to the newer dimensions, supporting the evolution of the Earth it helps to raise the consciousness of both the planet and its inhabitants. Initiating a harmonizing effect upon the body and soul it allows for one to easily accept and entrain with the ever-changing newer vibrations that are dominant during this ascension process.
Quite a powerful tool for meditation it encourages deeper meditative states. It allows one to make angelic contact and communication with other realms. Empowering to the soul it dissolves boundaries that constrain the spiritual self and guides the soul onto its true pathway in life.
These Larimar Polished Slices presents one with a valuable tool, born of volcanic activity, its powerful effect brings balance, healing, nurturance and helps one to move beyond the egoic mind. A stone that is most essential at this time as humanity moves from ego-centered culture to a newer consciousness and awareness. It brings one to accept the Divine in the moment. This by far is the most magical gift offered that will inspire one toward their enlightenment.
Weight – 40 grams
Dimensions approximately – 6.5 cm x 5.5 cm x .7 cm
HEALTH – Larimar Polished Slices are powerful emotional cleansers and healers especially useful for those with phobias, panic attacks, stress related imbalances, excessive anger or fear – valuable tool during pregnancy, birth and post-par-tum – relieves high blood pressure and stress related illnesses – alleviates symptoms of excessive fire element energy such as infection, fever and inflammation – great for colds and flu’s helps to regulate mucous production, sore throat and fever – calms excessive fear & explosive anger – releases energetic knots aka muscle tension and spasms – relieves stress – cools hot tempers – relieves hot flushes – useful in treating eczema, hives, rashes, psoriasis and other skin disorders that are aggravated by stress – heals heart trauma – promotes self-healing – helpful for cartilage and throat conditions – dissolves blockages in the chest, head and neck – can also be laid on constricted joints and blocked arteries – place on painful spot and it will draw out the pain – helpful for those with Bipolar –
SPIRITUAL – Positioned over the heart, third eye, or solar plexus or gently stroked over the body, Larimar removes attached entities – it stimulates the third eye, heart , crown and throat chakras – used as a reflexology tool Larimar pinpoints the site of disease – clears the meridians of the body – increases consciousness and awareness – dissolves boundaries preventing one’s soul evolution – encourages acceptance of the Divine moment – stimulates deeper meditations – contact with angelic realms – communication with other realms and dimensions – supports one’s growth and attunes one to the energies of ascension –
Weight | 0.040 kg |
Dimensions | 6.5 × .7 × 5.5 cm |
Crystal Type | Larimar |