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January 26, 2022
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February 10, 2022Labradorite Hearts
Labradorite is a stone of power, strength and magic. Spurring the ascension process, expanding one’s consciousness it certainly is a stone for those seeking an ally that supports their spiritual journey.
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Labradorite is a stone of power, strength and magic. Spurring the ascension process, expanding one’s consciousness it certainly is a stone for those seeking an ally that supports their spiritual journey. It brings protection, deflecting unwanted energies from you auric field, removing hooks and other peoples projections including thought forms from your aura. Active in denying entry prevents possible energy leakage by providing a shield that prevents sources from tapping in and draining your life force.
It is a stone that stimulates intuition and enhances psychic gifts including clairvoyance, telepathy, psychic vision and versed in prophecy, astral travel and more. It brings assistance for one to move beyond the veil, interlacing between alternate levels of consciousness and vibrations, one is able to move between worlds consciously and be protected at the same time.
As a transformational stone, Labradorite is a great choice to support the inevitable changes that are consequences of one’s growth and journey. It provides the strength and perseverance most needed at that time.
Helping to banish fears and insecurities including residual debris associated with past life stuff, it helps to strengthen one’s faith in oneself and the universe. This brings one to align with its energies, awakening one to a new world filled with synchronicity and its ability to provide one with support of bringing one’s awareness to elevated levels. One becomes privy to the unseen worlds and subtle energies that brings one to establish a better understanding of esoteric knowledge that plays a role in one’s growth and development as they participate with the ascension process as an evolving soul. Namaste.
Weight – on average 70 grams to 90 grams
Dimensions Approximately – on average 5 cm x 4 cm x 3 cm
HEALTH – address’s disorders of the eyes & brain – regulates metabolism – dispels stress – balances hormones – treats colds, gout & rheumatism – lowers blood pressure – helps with menstrual tension – can reveal the nature of mystery illnesses – banishes fears
PROTECTION – shields against negativity entering auric field including thought forms & hooks – psychic protection particularly when one is traversing between different realities – prevents energy leakage
SPIRITUAL – raises consciousness – enhances intuition & psychic abilities – transformational stone – prepares body for ascension process – inter-dimensional travel – enhances movement between different realities – spurs visionary activity – telepathy
References –
Hall, J 2003, The Crystal Bible, Goldsfield Press, London
Simmons, S. Ahsian, N 2007, The Book of Stones Who They Are & What They Teach, North Atlantic Books Berkley, California
Weight | 0.070 kg |
Dimensions | 5 × 4 × 3 cm |
Crystal Type | Labradorite |